There will be no Domestic bin collections on Monday 3rd February, they will take place on Saturday 1st of February instead. Please leave your bins out on Friday nightThere will be no Domestic bin collections on Monday 3rd February, they will take place on Saturday 1st of February instead. Please leave your bins out on Friday nightThere will be no Domestic bin collections on Monday 3rd February, they will take place on Saturday 1st of February instead. Please leave your bins out on Friday nightThere will be no Domestic bin collections on Monday 3rd February, they will take place on Saturday 1st of February instead. Please leave your bins out on Friday night
With more and more packaging around products, it's vital that we all do our bit for the environment. Please wash recyclable items and remember, other people will be handling these items. Squash recyclable items as some items are bulky.
After the items are sorted in our depot they are baled separately at our recycling facility into separate bales of cardboard and newspaper and then shipped to another recycling plant.
KWD Recycling monitors your bin weights for future billing. By following these guidelines YOU will ensure that your bin weights will be reduced.
Your Recycling Bin (Blue Lid) Content is to be clean, dry and loose
Place the following in your Blue Lid Recycling Bin Clean Mixed Paper,Newspapers, Magazines & Brochures Clean Cardboard Washed Drink Cans (Aluminum) Washed Food Cans (Steel) Washed Tetrapaks (Juice and Milk Cartons) Washed Plastic Bottles (Rigid)
For further information please visit or click here
Not suitable for the recycling bin
All of these are non-recyclable items:
Nappies Clothes Bin liners Food Tea Bags
Blag bags
Contaminated recycling bins cannot be emptied because one contaminated bin would contaminate the full load! Your Green Waste Bin: (Green Lid) All non-recyclable items and other waste can be placed in your Green Lid bin EXCEPT Glass and Grass. • Grass can be composted • Glass should be taken to your nearest Bottle Bank.